Discover How TMS Therapy at Countryside Neurology Can Help Manage Tourette’s Syndrome

Tourette’s Syndrome can significantly impact daily life, but innovative treatments like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy offer new hope. At Countryside Neurology, we provide TMS therapy to help manage symptoms of Tourette’s Syndrome effectively in the Tampa Bay area.

How TMS Therapy Works for Tourette’s Syndrome

TMS therapy targets specific brain areas associated with motor and vocal tics. By modulating brain activity, TMS can reduce the frequency and severity of tics, providing much-needed relief for patients.

Advantages of TMS Therapy

  • Non-Invasive: No surgery or medications are required, making it a safe treatment option.
  • Effective Symptom Management: Many patients experience improvements in tic symptoms.
  • Customized Treatment: Our team tailors each TMS therapy plan to meet the unique needs of our patients.

Improve Your Quality of Life

If you or a loved one is living with Tourette’s Syndrome, contact Countryside Neurology today at 727-712-1567 or visit to learn more about our TMS therapy services. Follow us on Instagram @countrysideneurology for updates and patient stories.