A new Stanford protocol that can be completed in just 5 days has shown amazing results in patients struggling with treatment-resistant depression.

Sometimes, patients can become resistant to anti-depressants. Other patients may be opposed to treating their depression with medication due to the side affects. TMS therapy is an FDA-approved and highly effective treatment method for depression. TMS delivers magnetic stimulation to targeted parts of the brain that significantly impact your mood.

Stanford’s new approach to TMS therapy is known as the SAINT method. The SAINT method uses iTBS protocol of TMS therapy, which can deliver magnetic stimulation in just 3 minutes. The normal TMS therapy sessions are around 30-45 minutes per session. Because the SAINT method is shorter, multiple treatments can be delivered to patients per day.

Your doctor can perform initial EEG exams to figure out which method is best for you. If you struggle with depression, contact our office at 727-712-1567. Countryside Neurology offers TMS therapy and we want to help you achieve remission.



Williams, Nolan. “New Stanford Protocol for TMS Found to Achieve Fast Remission.” Psychiatric News , American Psychiatric Association , https://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.pn.2022.11.41.