TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) has become a popular method of treating depression because of the benefits it has over other treatments, such as medication. In essence, TMS therapy stimulates areas of the brain that affect your mood. Using a TMS machine, your doctor can target areas of the brain that are either weak (causing depression) or overactive (causing anxiety), and balance out brain activity which in turn reduces symptoms of depression.

iTBS is a new TMS protocol that has a shorter treatment time–3 minute sessions vs 30-45 minute sessions of normal TMS therapy. If treatment time is of concern to you, then perhaps iTBS would be a better option. Your doctor will conduct EEG exams and design a plan that is best for you.

Countryside Neurology has an in-office TMS therapy machine. If interested, please contact us at 727-712-1567 for an initial consultation to see what’s right for you!



“ITBS vs TMS Therapy: What Is the Difference?: Brain Therapy.” Brain Therapy TMS,